Thursday, September 16, 2010

Take A Quill Pill

Hey friends,
Please help me spread a word about my quilling challenge blog Take a quill pill by becoming a follower and mentioning about it on your blog as post or on side bar. It would be great if you could participate too. Believe me, it's going to get interesting as the winner would get to design the next challenge and it could be you too :). The winner's work and blog link would get displayed in the "Hall of Fame" and this is surely gonna fetch some visitors.

I am also looking for sponsors. Hoping to find one soon.

So Hurry up..only 4 days remaining until challenge 1 closes and a chance to become the very first winner on this blog :) You never know..there might be some hidden surprise  ;)


  1. Nice blog! Will visit again and looking forward to participating in a challenge if you still plan to run them :)

  2. Mailed u... kindly check ur mail.. Looking forward to your response.... Hugs))))

